Published in the North Lake Tahoe Bonanza
What started as a half day meeting of some substance five years ago has spawned into a two-day strategic planning session that could go a long way in determining the face of the district for years to come.
The Incline Village General Improvement District will meet for its annual board retreat, beginning today at 9 a.m. at IVGID’s Administrative Offices at 893 Southwood Blvd. Today’s proceedings will wrap up around 4 p.m., and the retreat will reconvene for an all-day Thursday session.
“With any business or municipality, it is necessary for good operations to look into the future and determine where you want your business or town to go,” said Gene Brockman, IVGID Board vice chairman. “That is what this is meant to do because it’s very difficult to do that sort of talking or planning in our regular bi-monthly meetings.”
The two-day retreat is treated as a normal IVGID board meeting in the sense that the public can attend to observe the board, and it can comment on certain items during regular public comment sections.
However, the thrust of the retreat is for the board to discuss its many agenda items and work toward establishing future goals for the district, Brockman said.
This year’s retreat is the most in-depth ever, with two days devoted to about 20 agenda items, on which action may or may not be taken, according to the agenda, which can be viewed in full at http://www.ivgid.org/.
Brockman said the drive to spend more time on the annual retreat is telling that recent boards are devoted to the district’s future.
“The first one was much shorter and simpler,” Brockman said. “But as the value of this kind of session has become apparent, it has taken on a new life.”
For example, last year’s retreat marked the first time the board assessed business plans for IVGID’s facilities for the coming year, including Diamond Peak Ski Resort, the Mountain and Championship golf courses, the Recreation Center, the beaches and IVGID’s Public Works department.
This year, trustees again will review business plans for the upcoming fiscal year, along with other items of business, including discussion on the next steps for the district’s pending 5-acre Incline Lake purchase; discussion on possible expansion of the district’s recycling program; and discussion about possible advancements with the Town of Incline Village.
What’s on the agenda:
While the full agenda can be viewed at http://www.ivgid.org/, below are some of the items that will be discussed today and Thursday.
Notable agenda times for today:
1. Review changes to the Championship Course business plan.
2. Review changes to Tennis Center business plan.
3. Review The Chateau business plan, specifically catering prices.
4. Review changes of business plans for Public Works, Mountain Course, Parks and Recreation and Ski.
Notable agenda items for Thursday:
1. Capital spending for infrastructure versus operations.
2. Discuss the Recreation Fee allocation table.
3. Discuss defensible space maintenance plan developed by the North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District for district lands.
4. Discuss the next step for Ordinance 7 — revising, updating or leaving as is.
5. Parcel Splits and the Recreation Roll to include but not limited to parcels, Assessor Parcel Numbers, dwelling units, what properties get charged and which ones don’t get charged, as well as how they apply to the Recreation Roll.
6. Discussion of expansion of the Blue Bag Recycling Program.
7. Discuss next steps for Incline Lake.
8. Town of Incline Village: Changes to Nevada Revised Statute Chapter 269 and appointment of a committee.
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