Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Golf Clubs Happy with Progress on Business Plan for the Championship Golf Course

This article appeared in the North Lake Tahoe Bonanza on January 28, 2009

Written by: Annie Flanzraich, Bonanza News Editor

Leaders of four of the Incline Village golf clubs said they are happy with the progress being made on the course’s business plan after meeting last week with Incline Village General Improvement District Gener­al Manager Bill Horn.

“We’re pleased with the direction the course is head­ed,” said Incline Village Golf Club President Floyd Kueh­nis, who, among the other leaders, met with Horn on Jan 22.

Some issues still need to be hammered out such as a tee time schedule for the season and cancellation notification period.

At its Jan. 14 meeting, the IVGID Board of Trustees gave staff six criteria to follow while creating the business plan for the Championship Golf course. One of those cri­teria included meeting with the golf clubs as many times as possible to gain their com­plete support.

That criteria seems to be met, as Horn wrote in his report to the board for tonight’s meeting that he met with golf club representatives Jan. 22.

"As a result of the commit­­tee’s successful collaboration, the remaining two scheduled meetings were canceled,” Horn wrote.

The IVGID board meets at 3 p.m. today at 893 South­wood Blvd., and board mem­bers will be able to discuss Horn’s report.

One of the criteria that faced contention was the IVGID Board policy that the Wednesday shotgun for 18 golf club members would have a seven day cancellation policy. All of the golf club rep­resentatives did not like the seven-day cancellation poli­cy and believed it will “cast a negative tone on the collabo­rative effort with the Golf Clubs to increase rounds dur­ing the 2009 Championship Golf Course season,” Horn wrote.

As a solution Horn and other staff are holding on determining the golf clubs’ abilities to fill the 108 tee times until the entire detailed tee sheets are completed by Feb. 28.

In addition, golf club rep­resentatives are meeting Feb. 4 with IVGID Golf Director CJ Johnson to go over tee times. “We hope to get things clarified on Feb. 4,” said past Teesters president Dawn Maggio. “I am not anticipat­ing problems for the Teesters. Based on what I’ve seen and heard we’ll be happy.”

Horn also reported that the golf clubs thought there were enough golf club tee time allocations to meet their golf­ing needs.
“I’d say we’re making head­way,” said Tahoe Incline Golf Club Secretary Jon Bigelow. “I think the board is listening and I think Bill is listening and think the process is mak­ing progress.”

Although the board authorized Horn to submit a budget that raised the $59 green fee in accordance with the consumer price index, Horn said he will not do so. Using the November 2008 CPI of .6 out of 1 percent, the increase would be about 35 cents.

“It’s not worth increasing resident rates,” Horn said.

Horn said Wednesday will probably be his last major update about the champi­onship course business plan until its budget and other dis­trict budgets are submitted to the board in March.

Other IVGID news:

Trustees also could a dif­ferent item related to the Championship Golf Course, as they will be asked to approve a $5,000 allowance for the district to conduct a drainage evaluation of the course’s 11th tee, and report back to the board sometime in the future.

Also, before trustees hear the golf course items, trustees will hear an update about the district’s blue bag recycling program from IVGID Public Works Director Joe Pomroy.

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