There's a new source of credit score and credit report information in town and it doesn't try to sell you related services or use content to generate ad revenues.
While the federal government would like to sell you on the idea that it's on your side -- and convincing you your government is working for you often does take a bit of a hard sell these days -- the Federal Reserve's new credit score and credit report web site is worth the taxpayer dollars that financed it.
Among independent sources of like information, perhaps only
Along with practical answers to questions about credit reports,
You need this information because it can make or break you when it comes time to get a mortgage, personal loan,
If you are approved for financial services, your report and score also determine home much it's going to cost you to obtain credit and other financial services.
The Fed's web site reveals how you can improve your
What's more, the site couldn't have gone live at a better time.
Lenders are squeezing consumers for the best creditworthiness ever, just as the Feds are rolling out two related landmark regulatory overhauls for the greatest consumer protections ever and long overdue
Your credit standing is at stake.
One is the
Good credit scores are crucial to landing a mortgage, getting your mortgage refinance and getting a home equity line of credit or second mortgage.
The other regulatory newbie is the
The new credit card rules heap on new and extensive disclosures credit card issuers must reveal to you and they limit the fees, interest rates and other charges credit card issuers can levy.
But it's still up to you to do the right credit thing and the site offers some pointers.
For example, to
• Get copies of your
• Pay your bills on time.
• Understand how your credit score is determined. The new site tells you.
• Learn the legal steps to take to improve your credit report. Again, the information is online.
• Beware of credit-repair scams. The web site keeps you up to date.
Also to
• Again, pay on time. Don't be a deadbeat.
• Stay below your credit limit. How much below? Visit the site.
• Avoid unnecessary fees. You'll learn online which ones to avoid and how to avoid them.
• Pay more than the minimum payment. The more the better.
• Keep tabs and watch for changes in your credit card terms. Credit card companies continue to look for loopholes so they can take you to the cleaners -- for a fee.
The site is new and fresh with the latest government regulations dovetailing into your responsibilities, indicating it's not just up to the law to make sure creditors do the right thing.
You pay taxes for this kinda information.
Bookmark it.
December 30, 2010
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