If you've got the income. If you've got plenty of tenure on the job. If your credit is solid. If you can otherwise past muster at the mortgage loan desk. If it's cheaper for you to buy than it is to rent.
Yes, there are lots of "ifs," but it's one of the best times in America to buy a home. And it won't last forever.
To wit
• The
• Meanwhile, owner-occupied purchases fell 15.5 percent last year.
Numbers talk
The median investment-home price was $100,000 in 2011, up 6.4 percent from $94,000 in 2010, which means you may have already missed rock-bottom in this sector.
The median sales prices for vacation properties was $121,300 in 2011, down 19 percent from 2010, which means you may still have a shot at the basement here.
Likewise, NAR reported the median price of all single-family homes dropped 4 percent from $170,600 to $163,500 in the fourth quarter 2010 to 2011 and, during the same period, condo prices fell almost 2 percent $163,500 to $160,800.
Housing market forecasts for a recovery remain mixed, but it's about when, not if. If this isn't the
But consider many of those forecasts are based on lagging information. One study by
And then there are those record low interest rates.
Don't get behind the curve and wait until a line forms and multiple offers are the norm, rather than the exception.
"But there are more things to consider than low mortgage rates and home prices when your plan is to be a successful long-term homeowner," Rodriguez added.
NeighborWorks' advice
• Be mortgage ready. If you haven't already, check your credit reports from the only federally-sanctioned source of free reports,
Looking for a mortgage with weak credit could result in a higher than anticipated mortgage cost or no mortgage at all. Work with a homeownership advisor at a
• Know all your costs. More than just a mortgage payment, homeownership comes with insurance, tax, utility, maintenance and transportation costs, among others. Include them in your budget to determine what is truly affordable.
• Hire good help. Get a
• Take your time. There may be some pressure to get in the market at today's affordable prices and low interest rates, but if you move too quickly that could be a mistake. Take the time to obtain a home inspection, learn the neighborhood, investigate the school district and buy only what you can
April 12, 2012
Thinking about Buying or Selling?
Call Alvin's Team Today! 877-651-7810
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