Monday, April 29, 2013

The Joy of Buying a Home

Sure, buying a home is a ton of responsibility, and not exactly an easy process either. A lot of people just throw up their hands and say ‘Rent!’ for the rest of their lives so they can pass off any problems they have to a landlord. There are, however, a few things that only homeowners get to do, and this is where the real joy of owning your own home comes into play. If you’re debating whether or not to rent again or go ahead and take the leap, consider a few things.
So many houses are great, but could be better with a little knocked down wall here and a little bathroom retiling there. When you’re renting you only see the house in front of you in real time, but when you buy you can make anything possible. Construction can raise the value of the home and make it more unique and interesting along the way. You can fix up a home too, so making that initial investment is only the start of a project that will bring you fulfillment and create something truly remarkable.
Home Owners Association
Renters can join in on the community organizations of course, but certain neighborhoods require you to be a homeowner to have a vote in the matter. If you want a say over the way things are done in the community, you have to own a stake in it.
Your Piece of the Pie
There’s just nothing quite like owning your own home. Aside from your stake in the community and your ability to paint the whole thing purple from shingle to shutter if you wanted to, there’s the simple satisfaction of knowing you’re going to be able to put roots down in an area for a while. There’s something to be said for investing a piece of yourself and having something really great to show for it.

By Devin Ratoosh

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